Friday, 2 September 2016

fashionable Chalk Markers

 I decided to make this post because the whiteboard is something that is fashionable Chalk Markers  and in all schools are beginning to use, increasingly, for this reason I have decided to seek information about the differences of a blackboard chalk and a digital and the advantages and disadvantages of this, because after all both are used to write. But what is more useful and more comfortable for both students and teachers?

            From my point of view everything has its advantages and disadvantages but things are moving about something.

            The drawbacks of the fashionable Chalk Markers  are only used to write and you chalk stains, however, the advantages are to do sketches, drawings ... to clarify information.

            From my point of view the whiteboard is more useful, although it occupies more space. For example, when I was in college where I was doing practice had whiteboards in most classes but were not glued to the wall but had a stand on the floor or markers and was on a small stage that there are classes for teachers, to be writing on the blackboard was a danger because the legs out to outside of the board and, or were careful or you could stumble.

            One advantage I think they have it in them besides writing can be saved as you type and raisins page to write something new, I remember when chalk was in 1 degree my math teacher used a whiteboard and was very happy because we explained and kept the explanations and went on to explain other things and when I had to go back to back did not need to retype, but gave back and had the explanation.

            Another positive aspect of whiteboards, is you do not need a film to project because on the board and can project what you want, to be directly connected to the computer, which greatly facilitates the work. In contrast with fashionable Chalk Markers s in addition to the board about projectors and a panel to see videos or slides had.

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